Quick Facts

Shards of the Felvine

This quest is no longer available within the game.
Find the Felvine in Dire Maul and acquire a shard from it. Chances are you'll only be able to procure one with the demise of Alzzin the Wildshaper. Use the Reliquary of Purity to securely seal the shard inside, and return it to Rabine Saturna in Nighthaven, Moonglade.
Sealed Reliquary of Purity (1)
Felvine Shard (1)
Provided item:
Reliquary of Purity (1)


Your knowledge of Eldre'Thalas - Dire Maul - in Feralas will now come into play, <name>. In the eastern part of the ruined city is where Alzzin the Wildshaper has exerted his corrupt dominion. Go there with all due haste and brave whatever challenges await you.

The Fruit of Fertility, now corrupted as the Felvine, should be close to Alzzin. When he falls, capture whatever essence of the Felvine you can. Seal it in the Reliquary, and bring it to me.

Good luck, and Cenarion's speed.




You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Milli's Shield Milli's Lexicon
You will also receive:
Milli's Shield Milli's Lexicon


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(5526))

