Classic 'World Firsts' .... lmao
Ah bah super !
World First, good one
EU RWF logic they got H Rag down faster from launch than anyone did back in the day so they truly are World First.Kappa
Grats on being one of the few guilds that still play this trash.
World First and Classic don't go together.
Wow. What an achievement. You beat content that's been beat like a dusty rug on a cloths line 13 years ago, and you want it to be called "world first"? Get out of here with this crap.
Retail clowns so salty about something that doesn't affect them at all rofl
New PvP game will be anounced with the Blizz Direct.Spoilers of the beta gameplay:Player1: play retail and !@#$ over classic even if he does not play it and don't give a &*!@.Player2: play classic and *!@# over retail even if he does not play it and don't give a &*!@.The more you #$%^ the more point you get.Keep going on for years
It's a nerfed version, a bit sad that they didn't buff it at least to be comparable to the original. Rag is missing 1/6 of his original hp.
Please Blizzard, provide some new $90 mounts so the retail peasants can stop bull*!@#ing for a moment.
Hmm...pretty sure world first was over 10 years ago.