Why so little info about the priest unit wowhead? What are you afraid of?
That remastered Sapphiron looks so good! Along with all the others! Makes characters in WoW look so cartoony and tragic imo.
This looks so good. Wanna go straight back to Northrend after seeing Sapphiron.
Shouldn't Mannoroth have a beard? The original WCIII model had one, I believe.
Everything has looked really great so far but I'm not feeling Sapphiron. Looks too generic and doesn't feel like it belongs in Warcraft. Hopefully it will look better in action in game.
I like how Archimonde and Kil'jaeden looks more Draenei' ish .I always failed to see their similarities until WoD Archimonde and Legion Kil'jaeden versions.
Archimonde and Kil'jaeden look freaking amazing
I think all the pit lords had beards. TBH, it kind of looked weird.
What's up with the Fel Stalker's back legs? The thickness around a couple of the joints is like spaghetti.
Is it just me or are they doing a lot more unique models this time around?
"Is it just me or are they doing a lot more unique models this time around?"People should really give them credit. This is mind blowing. Every single freaking character has a unique model... WTF?
maybe it's just me but Sapphiron looks like a rejigged bat lol
This post was from a user who has deleted their account.
OMG Kil'jaeden is so beautiful <3
Shouldn't Magtheridon's and Mannoroth's models be inversed?