간단 정보

[Let's Go Fly a Kite]

[Purchase a Dragon Kite Two-Pack from Craggle Wobbletop in Stormwind and then use it to fly kites with your Human Orphan. If your orphan is not present, call for him.]
용 연 두 꾸러미 (1)


[Fly Dragon Kites with your orphan] (1)
제공된 아이템:
인간 고아 호루라기 (1)


[The other day, when some of us were out with the matron, I saw a gnome pushing a cart filled with toys. He had dolls, copper racers, leather balls, and some kites. I've always wanted to get a dragon kite and the matron said that if I saved all my money I could buy one, but that's going to be a long time.

I think the gnome's name was Craggle Wobbletop or something like that. If we can find him, could we get some kites and fly them together? I saw him walking around the canals outside the Trade District.]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(29117))

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