
Set Them Ablaze!

Questa missione non è più disponibile nel gioco.
Set the North, South, East, and West Sentry Towers on fire by using the Torch of Retribution inside each of the buildings.
Western Tower Ablaze (1)
Southern Tower Ablaze (1)
Eastern Tower Ablaze (1)
Northern Tower Ablaze (1)
Articolo Fornito:
Torch of Retribution (1)


Listen well, <name>. While the four towers can never be destroyed, you can use the torch of retribution to set them ablaze for a very long period of time: A fire that no element or force can subdue.

While they are ablaze, no guard or sentry unit can inhabit the watch posts and thus, their first line of defense is nullified.

You must enter each tower and use the torch of retribution within their fortifications. Beware the lookouts posted by the Dark Irons, <name>.




Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Dragonflight Leggings Drakefire Headguard
Axe of the Ebon Drake
Riceverai anche:
Dragonflight Leggings Drakefire Headguard
Axe of the Ebon Drake


Al completamento di questa missione otterrai:
Puoi controllare se l'hai già completato digitando:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(3463))

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