
[Schemin' That Sabotage]

[Use the Goblin Pump Controller to destroy 4 Goblin Oil Pumps.]
[Oil Pump Destroyed] (4)
Goblin Pump Controller (1)


[Goblins... What would this world be without goblins? I'll tell you what: CLEAN!

Those filthy little scum suckers have planted their oil pumps all over the lake with the hope of extracting every last drop of oil that exists in Stonetalon. At each oil pump they've stationed an oil pump controller whose sole job it is to watch the pump and make sure nothing goes wrong.

Something is about to go wrong.

Take out the goblin pump controllers and take their pump controls. Use 'em to overload the pumps!]


Sarete in grado di scegliere uno di questi premi:
Yvonia's Pauldrons Shield of Control
Sabotage Leggings
Riceverai anche:
Sabotage Leggings Shield of Control
Yvonia's Pauldrons


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(25878))

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