From what I can tell, its going to be in waves (like the coliseum from Fable) where once you kill one boss another will spawn in the same room.
I could be wrong, just my interpretation of it :\
This is actually under the argent coliseum, its a cavern.
From all indications it is a series of progressively tougher bosses, not a single boss. Think Ring of Blood/Ampitheatre of Anguish.
I think it may be a little more like Violet Hold because no Raid is complete without its own little minions and then the big bad guys since everyone knows the Lich King can create portals just like Malygos and his portals in VH =D Also I would have to imagine Blizzard implementing Zone Drops since thats what happened in Naxxramas and Ulduar and the similarities between all three is that all three drop multiple Tier drops and this has to be another similarity. And every raid with Multiple bosses (not mini bosses) has zone drops as well to make another point in proving my idea. And all in all this proves my idea that this will indeed be more like Violet Hold than RIng of Blood or any of those other Rings.
Actually, there was a blue post that described it as being a 'Ring of Blood' type encounter(s).
Current known bosses
-The two jormungars
Acidmaw and Dreadscale.
-The magnataur
Gormok the Impaler
-The Yeti
-An Eredar
Lord Jaraxxus
-A Thaddius like encounter with the twin val'kyr
Edyis Darkbane and Fjola Lightbane
The Spider King Kael- errrr
What would be cool is if Anub'arak turns unattackable at 80k hp and breaks free from the Lich King's control. defeating him will put you in a phase where the nerubians are friendly and also broke free from the scourge (similar to Sylvanas) and a new faction opens up. you have to do a quest chain and this will let you get the quest chain for attunement to ICC when it comes out. In the Lich King fight, Sylvanas and Anub'arak will help defeat him along with Tirion Fordring and his crusaders. and 10/25 loot crazed raiders, of course.
and why the hell did my other comment get deleted
Daelo stated on the PTR forums that there IS NO TRASH at all.
this is
Crusader = Raid
Champion = 5 man
<3 Funspray
I don't know about that, I mean. yes Sylvanas broke free from the Lich King, but first he was weakened, I think that it would be hard for him to be weakened, and besides; What would happen to the Nerubian infested city of the Taunka? Would it just clear out and be horde accesible. That would be pretty awesome, a new capital for the Horde xD
As written in "Road to Damnation":
Indicating one of the undead spider-things, he said, "You bear them some resemblance. Are you all derived from the same race?"
"The nerubian race, yes. Then the master came. As his influence spread, we made war upon him, foolishly believing we stood a chance. Many of us were slain and raised into undeath. In life I was a king. Today I am a crypt lord."
"In return for immortality, you agreed to serve him," Kel'Thuzad mused aloud. Remarkable.
"'Agreed' implies choice."
Anub'arak has never wanted to serve the Lich King, he just doesn't have a choice in the matter.
...drops? :O
Yes, there was ZG, yes there was ZA, and yes there is Gundrak and the temple near it. And yet, Classic had better gear than ZG in other raids, same for ZA, same for Gundrak, and I am quite sure it will/would be the same should that temple "come to life" as a raid or something like that.
The same happens with the Iron Dwarves, they came out in MC, and now they're here again in Ulduar. And yet both in Classic and now in WotLK they won't be the ultimate raids (like Naxx Classic, BT/Sunwell TBC or ICC WotLK ).
Note that I am not disregarding the difficulties of beating them, just saying that they show up in the story not really as "major events" but more like "side story sons of a gun".
Whoever thinks Sargeras is dead: don't fool yourselves, he's well alive.
As for Caverns of Time, the main purpose of the whole place is to re-create events that cannot be seen in the world current days. This is true for all the dungeons/raid that exist in it, being the most recent example Stratholme (that we usually see as an undead city, in form of a lvl 55-58 dungeon). As from here, one can surely imagine LOTS of raids and dungeons that could be input into this place (just think of the wow history and the places/events you cannot see anymore due to having been destroyed/having been changed).
To finish this post: IN MY OPINION (take that into consideration if you wish to downrate please) Blizzard does not feel forced to "pick lost bosses" to continue the World of Warcraft epic quest. A game that generates millions can not simply end due to "lack of lore bosses to smack down and loot". As for what they will come up with... I'll leave that to everyone's imagination...
Three bosses consist of the Northen Beasts. The magnataur Gormok the Impaler, the two jormungars Acidmaw and Dreadscale, and the Yeti Icehowl. For this encounter you will need two tanks and at least 2 healers for 10man and 4 healers in 25man.
Gormok the Impaler. For the tanks, all you have to worry about is switching back and forth on tanking the boss when you have 3+ stacks of impale on you. Healers will still have to heal the currently non tanking tank cause impale is a physical DoT. Gormok will also throw Snobolds on random raid members. These little buggers will interrupt spell casting on the target they're on. DPS has to kill these guys before the raid becomes overwhelmed with them. DPS and Healer Casters with these guys on them should stick with instant cast spells because the interrupt lasts for approx 4+ seconds. Gormok will also cast Staggering Stomp which will hurt all the Melee and interrupt spell casting in the entire room for 8 seconds. It's a fast 0.5 second cast so you have to anticipate him casting it with the smoke gathering at his feet. Last thing he does is his Snobolds will throw fire on a raid member and fire will be planted below. Get out of the fire and don't even stand close to it because it will kill you fast. If this lands on a melee then the tank will have to move Gormok.
Acidmaw and Dreadscale can each be tanked seperately. One will always be submerged while the other attacks on land. The tank tanking the one on land must be sure to keep it facing away from the raid because of a spit they cast. Acidmaw will fart out Grob clouds so the tank must be constantly moving him. There are two key debuffs to look out for. Acidmaw will hit someone and nearby targets with Paralytic Toxin and Dreadscale will hit someone with Burning Bile. Players with the Paralytic Toxin will gradually start to slow down and eventually become comatose for a few seconds. The raid member with Burning Bile on them will hurt nearby raid members so avoid them. To remove these debuffs safely, players with the Paralytic Toxin will have to stack on players with the Burning Bile. It should be a rule that the burning bile'd player moves to the poisoned player no matter what because the toxin will stop them from moving.
Icehowl is a tank and spank and can be done with just 1 tank. Icehowl hits very hard and frequently so it would be recommended to have assigned tank healers for this fight. The tank for this fight should have a lot of stamina and armour because Icehowl casts an ability called Ferocious Butt which deals physical damage and stuns the tank for 3 seconds. He will also cast Arctic Breathe on a random raid member and anyone nearby in a cone and freeze them for 5 seconds. Healers should be spread out from each other so all the healers don't get frozen at the same time. Icehowl will stomp on the ground and send everyone flying to the sides of the coliseum stunned. He will target someone, jump back, then rush towards them. You must get out of the way by strafing. You will get a speed boost after the stun wears off. If Icehowl hits the wall instead of a player, he will be stunned and take an additional 100% damage for a set amount of time.
There are 2 achievements for 10man and for 25man:
Upper Back Pain - Defeat Icehowl while at least 2 (4 in 25man) Snobolds remain alive
Not One, But Two Jormungars - Defeat Acidmaw and Dreadscale within 10 seconds of each other
This encounter is a joke compared to Heroic Ulduar hard modes.
Terminus Est
Here's what we did in 10man - hopefully it helps some of you
Fight 1 - Gormok the Impaler
- Stay out of fire
- Adds will spawn that attach to people's heads - it's important that you get these off of your healers/casters before any physical dps classes, as they prevent casting, however do minimal damage
- Tanks will need to taunt off each other after 2 stacks of the debuff they will receive, or they will take massive damage and die
Fight 2 - Acidmaw and Dreadscale
- Acidmaw does a paralytic poison attack, as well as poison clouds (Like Grob)
- Dreadscale does a fire debuff that infects one person as a dot, and does aoe damage - it also has the ability to aoe infect other targets.
- The poison will slow you, dot you, and eventually paralyze you - the only way to kill it is to come into close contact with someone who has the fire debuff, it's easier for fire person to get to poisoned person, as they're very slow at this point
- We found it far easier to kill Acidmaw first, so we didn't have to deal with the poison
- When the fight starts, Acidmaw will be stationary, and Dreadscale will be mobile - they will both burrow, and switch these roles
- Once Acidmaw is down, just dps Dreadscale and heal through fire debuff
Fight 3 - Icehowl
- He does an AOE Cone of frost type of thing that iceblocks anyone in its path - they take damage while iceblocked (think KT) and will need heals fast
- Once in a while he will aoe knockback everyone in the raid against the wall, when he does this, he will call out a target, you will be stunned when he does this. As soon as you are unstunned you will receive a speed buff, you need to get out of his way ASAP once you're unstunned. The point is to get him to charge at you, miss and hit the wall.
- If you successfully do this, he will stun himself for 15 seconds, and take extra damage while stunned
- Rinse and repeat
- I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but thats the general gist of how things work
Who is to say that new lore will not be created to add new content? I think this would be wise.
No more "brb".
Anub'Arak remembers you.. ..in the mountains...
some people says the maybe we wil met SARGERAS in the caverns of time but why?
The infinite dragonflight is triyng to make things better by changing the past
How exactly does letting SARGERAS rule the planet make things better? why would the infinite dragonflight wanna release SARGERAS?
It's worth saying that unlike the 5 man instance you cannot run back in if you die.
how long does this instance take?
This is the way things go. Players who've been around since Vanilla know the story, most of our
Tier 3
gear was replaced in Hellfire by
, what was our hard work in 40 man Naxx or AQ40 worth?
Much the same, when
Magister's Terrace
was released and along with it the very first badges,
Badges of Justice
. Heroic Magister's Terrace gave out
Tier 5
equivalent loot, and H MgT gave out plenty of easy epics--many of which, especially the trinkets were on par with loot from
Black Temple
and above the level of
Serpentshrine Cavern
Tempest Keep
. What was all our work progressing through SSC/TK and Hyjal/BT worth?
The fact of the matter is, Naxxaramas is -old- content. Its almost 10 months old now, it's left off most realm progression threads, and has been for many months. Pugs regularly clear Naxx in less than 2-3 hours. With the furthering progression into 3.2, Many players who are just gearing up now would be unable to join their guild in raiding
Trial of the Crusader
because they're unable to catch up into appropriate level gear.
The gear curve is a "problem" that will be repeated throughout WoW until the day it dies. It obviously is blizzards intent. While it does allow casuals to get raid-level gear, the ultimate question is,
so what
? By the time the receive this gear, if you're a dedicated raider, you've moved on to new encounters, new gear, new achievements. Their gain in ilevel doesn't hurt anything except elitist raider egos.
A few tips for the first few bosses (Northrend Beasts):
Turn shadow quality up a bit. When Gormok the Impaler throws a firebomb it casts a shadow that is easily visible by the targeted raid member. When you see it coming for you, move.
Stay spread out through all 3 encounters. Stacking up is NEVER a good idea throughout this encounter.
Although not yet implemented into DBM, there is a hard enrage timer of 15 minutes from when you first engage Gormock the Impaler.
You will be given a break after the Northrend Beasts are down. The encounter will not start until you start it. To start the next encounter talk to whomever your NPC is to start the next challenge. Lord Jaraxxus will be summoned.
He has 4.2 mil health (10 man)
He will target a random raid member and cast Incinerate on them. This raid member needs to be healed until the Incinerate buff falls off (more info is found on wowwiki).
You don't have much time to take out the boss before his adds spawn, with only 4.2 million health that it is very possible to burn him down rather quickly. Using hero as soon as you engage is probably a good idea here,
A decently geared raid should be able to burn him to at least 50% before he spawns the first add.
Edit: This fight has been changed and now the adds spawn just a tad bit quicker
He has an ability called
Fel Fireball
that can and should be interrupted every time he casts it. It is the only ability he has that has a cast bar, so it is easily spotted by a person specified to interrupt it.
If your raid does not have the DPS for this fight, it will become apparent rather quickly as you will become overwhelmed. Much like Freya you do not have much time to burn the adds before the next set spawns. If you do not have the DPS to burn the adds and get some shots in on Lord Jaxx you will not beat the enrage timer.
The first add spawned for us was a Mistress of Pain. She had 337k HP and is rather easy to burn down quickly. She has an ability where she will jump to a raid member (usually 2nd on threat) pick them up and body slam them next to the tank, taking someone from 100% health to about 30%. Yes I just made a wrestling reference.
The next adds that spawn are the Infernals. Lord Jaxx will lay down a volcano that will begin spitting out 3 adds (10 man) that need to be tanked. Because of the way they spawn, dropping Consecrate or Death and Decay at the base of the volcano is pointless because it is a good bet that the adds will not land in them. These are best burned down by the tank and ranged dps, although melee dps can help but they will require a bit more healing.
Throughout the encounter someone will be targeted with
Legion Flames
. This person should immediately turn and run to the outside wall and keep moving until the debuff falls off as it lays a fire at your feet that will kill you if you stand in it too long.
Once Lord Jaxx is beat, you will have another break and face the Faction Champions. This is a fight against 6 (10 man) level 83 elite horde members. There is a chance to fight any class, in any spec. This fight is probably going to be a roadblock for many guilds for a while as the dynamics of this fight make it nearly impossible to plan for and nearly impossible to make a strategy small enough to fit into a comment for. A few pointers:
Unless you plan on pulling immediately without marking or any setup, I suggest that you have your raid stand on your factions side of the arena as the Horde will drop from the bleachers under their side, and the ally will drop from the bleachers on their side as soon as you talk to the faction rep. This fight does not start until you engage them. Engaging them immediately may sometimes cause the instance to bug making the champions disappear. The champions will not reappear until your faction rep respawns, which does happen rather quickly.
The NPC's have a buff that reduces all damage taken from Area Of Effect abilities by 75% rendering the use of all AOE abilities pointless. Yes Blood DK's, this includes Heart Strike, although I am not sure if D&D was counted as an AOE ability.
This fight does not require a tank as the nature of the fight is going to be a PVP arena style fight.
The NPC's AI is very good. Your raids healers will be priority targets for the NPC's. Ensure that they are well protected.
PVP gear for healers and clothies is probably a good idea for this fight. As this fight is not a dps race, but a survivability race PVP gear not only offers resilience, but much more stamina for those softer targets such as locks, mages, and priests.
In both 10 and 25 man, it is vital that at least one of the healers is burned down first while the others are controlled by a dedicated interrupter such as a rogue/warrior/dk. It is not necessary to have a rogue, however it is vital that the person on the other healer is able to control and interrupt the majority of the heals. The initial burn should consist of Heroism/Bloodlust and any other DPS cooldowns you can blow to maximize dps against the target.
After multiple successful attempts in both 10 and 25m versions of this fight, I feel more comfortable posting the order of importance, however let me make this very clear - every fight is different and each group needs to adapt to their own circumstances. Even after the nerf to this fight this can still be a challenge for a group who doesn't adapt well to unforeseen obstacles such as a healer or their interrupter going down on the pull. The order for the kill should be as follows:
-The Resto druid should always go down first. Hunters should use Tranq shot, shamans need to purge, rogues need to stun. The druid is the hardest to get down because with one regrowth that is not dispelled he can out heal your dps.
-Next is the Paladin/Shaman/Priest. Shattering Throw or Mass Dispell are vital tools that your raid needs to have if they are up against the paladin to prevent him from becoming immune due to his bubble. The reason these are second is that while their heals are rather large, they are easily out dps'ed by your DPS as long as the majority of them are interrupted.
Once you get the healers out of the way, the rest is a downhill battle. Pick the targets such as the warrior, shaman or rogue that are doing the most damage to your soft targets and the hardest for
group to control and burn them down quickly. Without their healers it should be easy for a geared group to down them.
Final tips: Watch your surroundings. Just because you are a healer or another soft target dont put your faith in your plate dps to be able to pull targets away from you. Pro-tip: If the warrior/rogue/shaman/DK is standing next to you, whether he is targeting you or not, MOVE AWAY
See my reply below for the last 2 fights.
There is no break between the multiple waves of each boss encounter (e.g. Northrend Beasts is one boss encounter), but there
a break between each encounter with the usual talk-to-npc-to-start approach.
(True as of 8/11 with 2 encounters available)
The Argent Crusade is preparing for a major assault on Icecrown Citadel (3.3). With thousands of "heroes" roaming Northrend, they felt the need to set up a training/elimination program to help them choose the "best of the best". This takes the form of the Tournament and its associated Trials, all of which are basically staged training exercises. I suspect that the collapse of the colosseum floor and Anub's appearance are outside their plans, and thus more significant lore-wise, but we haven't seen the flavor text around that in game yet.
The second fight, Lord Jaraxxus is now available for this raid. A gnome shows up to summon a minor demon for the party but ends up summoning this Demon Lord instead. After the Demon Lord swats the gnome dead, he attacks the party.
From a ranged mage perspective, here is what I encountered during the fight:
He will summon adds during the fight, first will be a Sister demon that an offtank should pick up and ranged should burn down. The other type of adds he will summon is three Inferno demons (about 85k life on non-heroic 10 man). They do an AoE and should be single targetted down. During all this, the Demon Lord will put a debuff on a random player (unfortunately, I forget the name) and the healers must heal that person for a certain amount to dispell it before it does massive AoE fire damage to the entire raid and also applies a further damaging debuff to everyone that ticked for me around 1500 per tick for about 4 or 5 seconds. He will also buff himself with a five stack of +20% spell damage (+100% total), which mages should Spell Steal. You can steal all five stacks.
There's more, but this is all I encountered as range DPS during the encounter.
We were able to kill him on our third attempt.
Just as general information, my warlock (with 3 pieces of ulduar gear, mainly naxx gear) pugged the Northrend Beats and Jaxx. We wiped only once on the beasts because a priest died to a kobold. Once we got on those adds, we did fine. Let me repeat 10 man (the one I have done) = very very easy epics. I recommend that anyone with 213+ish gear try to tackle this with an intelligent group of people. You will be rewarded with 232ilvl epics and 6 badges of triumph.
Anyways, I wanted to add to what the mage above me said. You spread out to avoid the legion lightning thing, it does fire damage. That way it won't chain much. You focus the maidens no matter what (unless you are going for the achievement). We had a shaman purge the boss and a mage spellsteal the buff that was on Jaxx, think it makes him do % more magic damage.
For the infernals, they come out of some volcano thing. They hit pretty hard, an OT works wonders here. Also, after a few seconds they change into what looks like a "meteor." When they land, they do a green hellfire and that hits for many thousands of damage per second in a small radius. They are immobile while they do this. This is when the melee/OT should back up, or blow their stuns/interrupts (talented Fan of Knives, Counterspell, Mind Freeze, etc).
Also, the incinerate flesh or whatever is what the mage was talking about, if that person isn't healed they will do big aoe damage to the raid. The debuff will drop when you keep healing, although initially the person will be unhealable until a certain amount of healing has been done. Then the debuff will clear. Therefore it is important as a dps to be aware of your surroundings and not be near the infernal volcanoes when they spawn (they hit like 8k on 10 man normal when they land), or not be too close so you won't get hit with legion lightning. If you kill the adds swiftly and heal through incinerate flesh you will dominate this guy.
1 shot this on a pug
DO NOT be scared to try this guy out :D Enjoy your epics!
-Cornbreader, Boulderfist
Can somebody tell me where this sits in difficulty? I have heard that 10/25 normal is after Naxx but before Ulduar, and 10/25 heroic is after Ulduar. But i would like confirmation
Tactics for Lord Jaraxxus, second boss of Trial of the Crusader (this is for 10-man version):
Main Tank: Jaraxxus has a few spells. Fireball should be the main concern for you. It has a long cast time and can be interrupted, so save your interrupt spells for when he casts these. Other than that, move boss away from possible aoe fire on the ground, to avoid mass melee dps damage.
Off-tank: Lord Jaraxxus will spawn 2 types of adds. Mistress of Pain is first, which he spawns early on and mid-fight. You can see the summon clearly, he creates a summoning portal from where it spawns. She hits moderately hard (should not be a major concern for a good off-tank) but charges a random person on the raid from time to time. Try to tank it away from other members in the raid (mostly to avoid the chain felfire). The other type of adds are Infernos, which come out of a Volcano, which Lord Jaraxxus spawns some time after Mistress. Usually 3 Infernos pop out of each Volcano, and they must be picked up and dragged away from the raid immediately. They have an aoe spell that could compromise close targets. They will also often charge raid members (random), but that's more of a healers concern than yours.
Melee dpses: Melees should stay on Lord Jaraxxus, and 1 or 2 should be assigned to interrupt him when he casts Fireball. It is crucial that this is interrupted at all times, since it deals a large amount of dmg to the tank, which could lead to a wipe. As for the rest (in 10-man usually there are a maximum of 3-4 melee dps), they should dps Mistress of Pain as she spawns, fastly killing her to return to boss. She deals a fair amount of dmg to her tank and to random raid members (with her charge) and should be downed as fast as possible.
Ranged dpses: Ranged dpses are usually assigned to dps the Infernos spawned by Lord Jaraxxus. These have a low amount of health and should be downed asap, since they deal huge amounts of damage when all put together. Other than that, ranged dpses should stay on Lord Jaraxxus.
Mages/Priests: Lord Jaraxxus has a self-buff, which can be stolen/dispelled. It increases his magical damage done. Steal it every time you can. It helps the raid in 2 obvious ways: boss won't deal that extra damage; you deal more. Dispel it every time you can: boss won't deal that extra damage
Healers: Lord Jaraxxus has an ability called Incinerate Flesh. A big warning pops up on the screen when he uses it (he picks a random raid member) and you'll have 15seconds to heal 30k damage off that target (yes, even if he is at full health), to consume the debuff. Otherwise, the target will explode, dealing massive raid damage (usually leading to a wipe). Also, Off-tank should be held special attention when he is tanking the 3 Infernos, if the ranged dpses are not fast at downing them.
Raid tactics: Lord Jaraxxus casts Legion Flames, from time to time, on a random raid member. It will leave a green flame on the floor and a debuff. Players affected by this spell should move backwards (Lord Jaraxxus is tanked in the middle of the room) to avoid taking extra damage from the aoe effect. By doing so they will leave a trail of green flame on the floor, and whoever steps on it takes a lot of dmg/sec, so people should try to avoid those zones. Lord Jaraxxus also casts a chain Felfire, which deals damage to a target and then jumps to targets in 10 or less yards of that player (and so on). The easiest way to deal with this is simply by spreading, avoiding this spell from hitting more than 1 target, and making it easier for healers.
General tips to easily manage this fight:
Keep boss in the middle, if possible, and spread before the fight begins, making sure you stay over the 10yard minimum range of each raid member (not including melees). As the adds spawn, leave the OT some spare time to pick them, and when he does, nuke the adds down. The main concern should be the adds, not the boss. Healers pay attention to Incinerate Flesh. Allowing it to explode most of the times leads to a wipe, so focus on the affected player and heal the debuff off. Pay attention to your character, if you're affected by Legion Flame don't make it hard for healers, just move backwards to avoid taking all the damage, and wait for the debuff to go off (then moving to another location, keeping in mind not to stand on the flame trail and the minimum range between raid members).
Have fun and good luck.
Mistress of Pain does a nasty move that spins you in up in the air. It did just over 15k damage (10 man).
As pointed out by previous people this is a healer intense fight.
10 man version.
You might have read in the forums that this boss is easy. He isn't.
Maybe if you are in a Ulduar guild with vent he is easy but as a pug he is not that easy.
There has already been some useful information written so this is more general tips.
The fight is pretty chaotic as so many things are going on at once. Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) will sound like an orchestra in your head and will pump out stuff on your screen saying "RUN". Not sure where you are supposed to run to though!
You will need good dps. The adds are on a timer, first is the Mistress of Pain then the three Infernals. Then it repeats.
If you don't dps the adds quickly enough he will summon the next round which will probably lead to a wipe. If your dps is too low the group will spend all the time dpsing the adds and not the boss.
The key to success is the marking of the of the infernals
(concentrated firepower ftw). As has been said before, all dps go for the Mistress but only ranged deal with the Infernals.
If you have your ranged dps all on different targets you will not kill them quickly enough
. The OT should try and tank the adds away from the melee, this is not as easy as it sounds as the adds seem to have a mind of there own!
The Mistress charges around and jumps in the air and the infernals also move around the room. I think the Mistress does more than 50% of your health as she hit me for 15k damage and there is no way I have 30k health. I think she uses this
Spinning Pain Spike
rather than this
Spinning Pain Strike
which most people think she uses.
Try and observe the 10 yard rule. Type /range if you have DBM. This will help you avoid the chain
. If you get the
Legion Flame
run to the back of the arena rather than across everyone. If you get
Incinerate Flesh
don't run away from the group otherwise you will be out of healing range.
Stay away from the
and as always stay out of anything green on the floor!
It is an intense fight with pressure on all involved. Expect to wipe a few times before getting it right. Good luck.
I have just healed this boss on 10 man as a HOLY priest and I healed MT(yeah quite risky but we didn't have a choise). Here are some tips which made healing quite easy.
1st keep shield;renew on MT all the time, use circle of healing and PoM on CDs if raid healers need help instead of just healing MT with FHs.
2nd when boss
starts casting
a very nasty
on a MT. start casting GH on him and
dispell it
off your tank right after that to top health of MT again.
3rd when you get
Incinerate Flesh
debuff on you, heal your tank with
Binding Heal
instead of
Flash heal
and it will be guaranteed not to explode.
keep an eye
on the
self buff
(at some point of a fight he gains 5 stacks, each increases magic damage done by boss by 20% - 100% total),
try to dispell it as soon as posible
even if there are other people who are doing it, because even 2 persons can't dispell the whole boss buff at the same time(only 2 stacks per cast). I have got healbot and healed tank while was targetting the boss and looking on his buffs, was quite comfortable.
5th as everyone else,
move when you get
Legion Flame
otherwise you will die
, this is the right time to use healing trinkets because you will have to continue healing tank while moving.
That's some really intensive healing, that's why I got nearly oom 3 times (had to use shadowfiend which didn't die; hymn and potion), but while your mana lasts, tank will not die 100% ;) even if you're a holy priest and should heal the raid theoretically. And I had 2200 sp, was heroics (and 2pT8,5) geared, which means that the boss is quite easy.
I hope that this little guide helped not only holy priests, but other MT healers aswell.
My guild just did phase 3 on 10 man tonight, the Faction Champions. This phase basically boils down to a 10 v 6 Arena fight, where it's a free-for-all. The group we had to face was as follows:
Mage - polymorphing, Counter-spelling
Priest - Disc spec throwing PW:S, casting Penance
Shaman - (Enhancement with bothersome totems, hexing and WF crits, casted Heroism
Paladin - Holy spec spamming FoL, bubbled when health was low, tossing Hand of Freedom
Rouge - seemed to be Subtelty spec, thought I saw a Shadowstep a time or two, the major problem was Fan of Knives and wound Poison
Druid - Boomkin which kept casting Cyclone, Insect Swarm, spamming Moonfire
Our raid consisted of the following:
Elemental Shaman (myself)
Holy Pally
Survival Hunter
Retribution pally
Prot Warrior x 2 (both our "tanks", as they have no threat table whatsoever.
Restoation Druid
Disc Priest
Frost dps DK
Assassination Rouge
It took several tries, but our basic strategy because of the no arrgo table was to seperate the holy pally and disc priest by having the DK Death Grip the pally, then myself using thunderstorm to separate the distance even more. We bum rushed the Priest, got it down, then moved on to the Pally. After the Pally was down, we moved onto the rogue cause it was doing the most dmg and using wound poison, making heals less effective if they weren't abolished off. The shaman was next, then the boomkin, and finally the mage. This is just a basic strategy we came up with, it might an entirely different setup for others. Just expect it to be an arena style fight, and best of luck to you!
Since the Faction Champions section isn't up yet, I'll post my guilds kill last night on 25man.
There were 14 Champions. The only things took note was there are 3 healers (shaman, druid, and paladin), no aggro table, they use all the fancy moves like
Blood Lust
, and will CC you. We used no PvP gear except for the PvP CC removal trinket (those that had it). Not sure if the healing classes will always be the same since it was the first time we saw them.
Attempt 1:
We tried the CC 2 healers and burn one down, didn't work out too well.
Attempt 2:
GL divided the dps into 3 groups and the all the healers on raid healing. We had lots of trees and shammies, which helped.
Each group of dps was assigned to 1 of the healers. G1 on the shaman, G2 on the paladin, and G3 on the druid. The shaman was the first to go down so we stack g1 with a few more dps. After the shaman went down, g1 move to help g3 on the druid, while g2 force the paladin to bubble. Once the druid is down, all the groups nuke the paladin while still CCing the rest of the Champions.
Once all 3 healers are dead, we nuked down the prot war and the rest wasn't too bad.
Best part, our DK got
Edit: Wish people would post a reason for the rate down.
After killing
Lord Jaraxxus
, you can move onto the Faction Champions. 10 Bosses will spawn (6 on 10 man), and their healths will range from 1.9Million, to 2.4Million. The NPC's that spawn will differ depending on which faction you are, Alliance or Horde. There will be a rogue, who has shadow step, and is likely the most annoying, a warrior who bladestorms. A DK, who death grips and strangulates. A hunter, but is the least of your worries. An Arcane mage, who has been known to cast 9k arcane barrages. A Holy paladin who spams heals, a Shadow priest who Mana burns and mind flays. A warlock with a felpuppy who silences. Before starting this encounter, your raid has to have a pvp mindset. The NPC's will be using player like abilities, and will be CC'ed as if they were players. I.E, sheep will last 10 seconds, along with sap, banishes last 5 seconds. Dimishing returns apply. There are 3 healers. They will spam heals on whichever target your dpsing. Since they are bosses, they will likely heal for around 10k. It is important that you silence the healers however you can, with a warrior pummeling, intercepting, etc. All the NPC's who can, will be CC'ing your raid, with hex, sheep, fear, and silence. (They do a damn good job keeping silences up on certain people.)
I have not done this encounter on 10, so I will be focusing on 25
There is no strategy yet, that is widely accepted.
Sidenote: Resilience will not reduce the damage taken, not sure about crits and dots.
Please visit
for more details on this encounter
For the faction champions the shaman will blood lust near the beginning so make sure you have someone mass dispel it.
After about seven wipes, we finally managed the Faction Champions on 25-man yesterday. The first few tries were chaos while we worked out a strategy - and for people to get to grips with the fact that they needed to play their characters defensively.
We had the holy paladin, resto druid and the discipline priest.
We set an interruptor on each - rogue was on druid, DK was on priest and a warrior on paladin - and marked the resto druid as the first to die.
We then split the dps and tank into groups for trying to CC the melee mobs, as we were running into a problem with the DK and Warrior killing clothies in about three seconds. We tried to combine different types of CC to cut down on diminishing returns - we had a mage sheeping in tandem with a warlock to fear, etc.
It's important to stress, this fight is very un-PvEish, you need to be using your snares and defensive timers whenever you can.
We had a shaman spam purging the resto druid's HoTs, and a priest constantly mass dispelling.
If you are a rogue, the Deadly Brew talent (I think that's its name) where you apply crippling poison with your other poisons is very handy for this fight - it means you can roll with wound and mindnumbing.
A cleansing totem and tremor totem are extremely helpful here too.
It's a very intense fight, it lasted a long time for us, and we were all sweating by the end of it, but I really, really enjoyed the fight, it's something a bit different.
Wowhead hasn't posted it yet, but the Twin Val'kyr encounter is going to be similar to the
encounter in AQ40, as they both share the same Health Pool. The two bosses in this encounter are
Edyis Darkbane
Fjola Lightbane
The encounter, is going to be based on a separation of Light, and Dark. More details of this encounter can be found at
. It looks like a fairly complexed fight, that will test the coordination of your Raid members, as it's also similar to the Thaddius fight.
Twin Val'kyr
- Edyis Darkbane & Fjola Lightbane - 25man Normal
Things to note about the bosses and encounter
When you first start the the first, 4 portals pop up, 2 dark and 2 light. Click the portal of color to get a debuff of the color. Dark debuff will let you damage the Lightbane and Light debuff will let you damage Darkbane.
They share a health pool for 27million HP.
Attacks to watch for
Dark Vortex - Edyis Darkbane and Light Vortex - Fjola Lightbane. These do alot of damage
Twin Pack - 15sec cast. Shields the caster absorbing 250k damage. Interrupt able after shield is down, if complete casting, heals for 20% of their health.
Dark and Light orbs will come out of the walls and move around the arena. Collect the same color orb as your debuff, dark gets dark orb, light gets light orb. Once you get 100 stacks, each orb gives you 5 or more stacks (unconfirm and its seems to share with people around you) you get a buff that gives you 100% damage for 20sec (% off my head)
At first glance, the fight looks very complex, but it isn't. Stuff we found after 2 fail attempts. 3rd and last attempt of the night is always a charm.
Set up
Very little raid damage, we went with 4 healers.
Normal 2 tank, one for each Val'kyr.
Split the dps into 2 equal strenght groups as mention by others.
1 healer per tank and 1 healer pre group, group healer also helps our tank healer.
Everyone get their Dark or Light debuff before the val'kyrs enter the arena.
Tank the twins by where they first start by the two color portals, Darkbane by the dark portal and Lightbane by the light portal.
Just dps them until the use their special abiltiy, DBM will let you know.
If its Twin Pack, see above, dps the caster asap, if need have some of the range and/or dps from the other twin switch color debuff to help out. If you get this part correctly, that's half the fight.
DBM will warn you when one of the twins will cast the Vortex attack, the Dark Vortex does
ZERO - 0 Damage
if you have the dark debuff and Light Vortex will deal zero - 0 damage if you have the light debuff. It is important to know which vortex is being cast, you have about 4-6secs to switch debuffs, so its important that the tanks tank them by their color portal.
Dark and light orbs will float around the room, try to get the color that matches your debuff, at 100 stack, it'll give you a buff for 20secs, you'll do alot of dps. The opposite color orb will damage you so be careful. The orbs will also buff the bosses the same way, 100 stack they will get a buff for 20secs, so get them before it reaches the boss.
That is the fight. Enjoy.
We just did this on 10 man and it worked for the twin val'kyr u need to have the tanks have the OPPOSITE buff of the boss, having the same buff you have no threat and the tanks get pwned in the shield heal. But if u have the opposite color the tanks can have aggro and can stay up just fine in shield phase just downed him the first time in 10 man.
Phase 4: the twin val'kyr
The tanks need to have the opposite color of the boss they are tanking. If they keep the same color they will die during the shield heal, and will not be able to produce threat. But if they take the opposite color they will be able to produce threat and will take normal damage. Tanks should still switch colors when necessary. This is the technique that has worked for us downed them after our 3rd attempt ever.
For the Faction Champions, our raid first attempted the tried and true "kill the healers" strategy, but were unable to defeat them. We found that the enemy DPS was just too great and that, the longer we left them alive, the greater the chances we had of failure. So we changed our strategy and interrupted as many heals as we could while burning down the DPS. The rogue, as it is most deadly, died first. We then went after the Death Knight, then the Warrior, then whatever shape our raid leader decided upon. At the end, we were left with the 3 healers and were able to easily kill them. I mean, what are they going to do? Heal you to death?
So in summary, if your healers can't keep up, lock down the healers as best you can and burn the HELL out of the DPS. For every one that dies, the damage output becomes that much lower, and you're pretty much guaranteed a win.
So, do you automatically drop into Anub'Arak's cave after you defeat the Twin Val'kyr, or do you have to "manually" start the encounter?
*Waits to be downrated because of asking a question*
just got Anub'arak down in 10 man ToC after 3 attempts he isnt too hard and is probably one of the easiest fights in all of 10 man ToC good luck! :)
The light and dark essence mechanism in the Twin Valkyr fight is definitely a nod to the shoot'em up game Ikaruga, where the player's ship alternates between black and white projectiles to defeat bosses.
What stat is requierd for Drood DPS (Boomkin)
10 (Heroic)
25 (Heroic)
Ok, finally got FChamps down in 25 man(not heroic) in a part guild/part pug, no less. That fight was a *!@#$. almost 20 minutes long, and every pull up to that had ended in us totally wiping in under 3 mins, sometimes under 1min. Here are my observations from a mage's perspective:
1) cc is king. Party composition is very important. If you are not ccing, you cant win this. period. It helps to have macros for certain characters so I could dps the kill target while sheeping focus and still getting counterspell off at every cd against a healer. I got the occastional stun off also on frozen targets. It was quite a dance.
2) pvp gear isnt that helpful, but pvp specs are. I did it in frost pvp spec but in raid dps gear and it was very helpful due to mortal strike mage ability (see Permafrost in talents) and survivability. Do have your pvp trinkets on if you dont have a good racial, and I would use the one with resilience on it only because resilience does slightly affect this fight (The Champs do crit, and the crits and crit damage can be mitigated or eliminated by resilience or defense, and I verified this from recount). Resilience won't affect noncrit damage, since that is limited to 'players' as in the tooltip. I was still #8 on the dps chart tho I was below gear average for the raid. Gearscores ranged from 4500-4850 (ilevel averages 219-230). I'm at something like 4519. If you dont pvp, make a custom frost spec just for this fight, seriously. I woulda really rocked in a raid dps frost build.
3) healers should expect a long fight, so dont give up mana regen for anything but survivability.
4) clearly defined roles and cc roles are absolutely required.
5) The warlock's aoe hellfire is horrible, so keep him cc'd or interrupted. His pet will silence people, so it has to die very early. next choice would be perhaps the rogue who is rough on casters, then ret pally who does buttloads of dps. Save the boomkin and hunter for very late, they are strangely not that effective. Warrior needs to be kept away from raid due to Bladestorm or whirlwind or whatever that is.
Bonus - shapeshifted players (druids and shadowpriests) doesn't seem to ever get snobolds.
ToC and you:
So you want to run Trial of the Crusader? Here's what you need to know.
What gear range should I be in?
-ToC 10 man's gear scales to level 232, 25 man scales to 245. If you don't know what that means you should aim to mostly be in 10 man Ulduar gear for 10, and ulduar 25 range gear for 25 man ToC.
What classes are wanted?
-Really any. You need at least two tanks for both 10 and 25 on normal, and if it's progression content a third tank wont hurt. You want at least five healers, for 25, and 2 for 10. The rest is DPS. There isn't a lot of fights where there's a clutch spec or class to have, though you do want to avoid over-staffing a given class. Its mostly centered around the Faction Champion fight but you really want a broad range of utility. Don't over load on Melee DPS, don't overdue the ranged DPS. Don't bring too many people of a given spec, and don't bring too many people of a given class.
How do the fights work?
There are five total encounters. Clearing the instance will net you 15 badges per run. Assuming you don't wipe the instance won't take an excess of 45 minutes to clear.
First encounter: Beasts of Northrend.
Beasts of Northrend is actually three sequential fights. In normal modes when you kill the fight monster the next comes in, and it's always in the order of Gordok the Impaler, Acidmaw and Dreadscale, and then Icehowl.
Gordok is a fairly straight forward tank and spank. You need two tanks since he places a stacking bleed effect on his primary threat target. Somewhere between two and three stacks the off tank needs to taunt off, and pick up tanking duties. That aside Gordok will throw snowbolds people. They're mostly an annoyance but they do deal damage and interrupt. All DPS should focus on them. That aside patches of fire also spawn, obviously you should get out of them. Its not the kind you can simply heal through. That aside the only point of noteworthy information is that Gordok can be disarmed, and he can't put bleed effects on the tank without his weapon.
The second encounter is Acidmaw and Dreadscale. Once again you need two tanks. The two Giant wurms put two DOTs on people- burning bile and paralytic toxin. Burning Bile is a straight forward DoT- except that aside from damaging everyone around the target it also removes paralytic toxin. Paralytic toxin is non-descript other than that it eventually freezes the target. It can't be broken except by burning bile proximity. If you get the toxin its your job to find whomever has the burning bile- they're typically more involved with not killing the whole raid. Other than that the only thing that stands out is how the mobs behave- at any given time one will be rooted in place, and the other mobile. The rooted one will do a swing attack that deals knock back- face them away from the raid. The one that is mobile needs to be kited because it drops an AoE poison similar to what Grobbulous back in Naxxaramas puts down. When one dies the other gets a small damage buff.
The third encounter is Icehowl. This is not a hard fight, and reasonably you only need one tank alive at this point to finish the encounter. Aside from a raid-wide knock back, and a cone AoE frost attack that also stuns the only thing that makes this encounter stand out is his charge phase. Its hard to miss- he knocks everyone against the walls and stuns them. He then jumps back, targets someone, and charges at them. If they get out of the way the boss is stunned and takes 100% more damage for the stun duration. If he hits someone they're insta-gibbed and he gets an enrage mechanic- hunters can tranquilizing shot this.
Once the three beasts are dead loot is collected on Icehowl.
Encounter Two: Lord Jiraxxas.
Lord J. is not hard. He's tanked in the middle. The only spell he casts is interruptable. He gets a stacking buff that can be purged (you will want to do this) by all purge type mechanics- shaman and warrior tanks will want to keep their head's up.
The other thing he does is spawn adds- the dark ladies can basically be tanked anywhere- I prefer them hanging around melee DPS to soak up the extra AOE.
Occaisonally he'll also yell "inferno!" and spawn a mini-volcano. 3-4 infernals pop out, and they need to be tanked AWAY from the raid. They like to spam hellfire much like the infernals way back in Karazhan in the Prince Malchaezar encounter, except they're rather killable and they'll occaisonally ball up and charge someone. They're also stunnable. While they're up its advisable that ranged DPS focus fire them down.
When Lord J. dies his loot is collected off his body.
Encounter Three: Faction Champions.
The faction champions are basically the third boss in Magister's Terrace reloaded. They're miniature versions of classes from the game. Mouse over to see who's what, and typically look for extra hints to what they're specs are. If you see a shaman dual wielding they're probably enhancement. See a druid in tree of life form? Restoration.
What makes this encounter hard is that the mobs don't have a strong threat table- taunts only work briefly and everything is subject to diminishing returns. Speaking from alliance side you want to deal with the restoration druid first. The priest, and paladin (If there's a restoration shaman I've never seen them) have weaker heals, and they're easier to simply lock down with classes like rogues and prot warriors who can stack multiple interrupts. From there the rogues and weaker healers take priority. Classes like mages, and warlocks tend to get finished off last. If there's any encounter that'll make you wipe a lot its probably going to be this or the last boss. Get to learn the mobs habits, and go with what works for you- this is one fight where its difficult to write a guide to.
When the faction champions die their loot is collected from a chest in the middle of the room.
Encounter Four: The Twin Valkyr.
The Twins are an odd "Thaddius meets Twin Emperors meets Kael'thas" encounter. When the fight starts four portals spawn- two light and two dark. Depending on who you fight you pick up the buff from the opposite portal (fight white Valkyr with the dark buff, and the dark valkyr with the light buff) if you DPS the mob with the same color as your buff you deal about half damage. In addition orbs start running around during the encounter- light and dark. When they hit you if the orb matches your buff it adds another, stacking buff. If it's the opposite you take some damage. If you stack the buff to 100 stacks you get a temporary buff increasing your damage by 100%. It sounds horribly complicated but stick to these rules:
-The bosses cast two spells: Twin Pact and Vortex. When they cast Twin Pact only one actually casts it, and on completion it heals them. When it's cast the Valkyr with the buff also gets a shield (think of Kael'thas's encounter in Magister's Terrace) that needs to get DPS'd down. If the shield is broke via damage (it can't be purged or otherwise removed) then the spell can be interrupted. The way the encounter is built you NEED to have the opposite color buff of your target to kill it in time. The mob NOT casting the pact also gets a stacking DPS buff- heads up healers.
When the bosses cast their vortex you need to match your buff to the color of the mob casting the vortex.
(continued in next post)
(continued from previous post)
When the two mobs die the loot is collected off their respective corpses. Remember that they have their own individual loot tables.
Encounter Five: Anub'Arak.
(spoiler!) Arthas shows up and shatters the floor, making you fall down to the lake below. Remember: there is no bug. If you die someone's being an ass.
Anub'Arak has three phases, and aside from that has a frost based DoT he can cast on people randomly, and will also stun his primary threat target. As you first start the encounter frozen shards float above the field. One ranged DPS should focus on killing these- when they die they leave patches of ice that prevent adds from burrowing and interrupt Anub on phase two.
Phase one: Anub'Arak is above ground. During this time adds will spawn. They need to be covered by off tanks. As they attack they roll a stacking buff that makes the target take additional damage- up to 300% more. Yikes! Needless to say ranged DPS needs to be hitting them. Ideally they're tanked with Anub to absorb any spare AoE the melee DPS has. Remember that unless they're tanked on patches of ice (a ranged DPS should be keeping an eye on this!) they'll burrow, heal and then come back with full HP. Note that the submerge ability has a cast time, and can be interrupted. On normal one spawns. On 25 its a pair. You'll get two spawns of these per phase. Ideally the first is DPS'd down by ranged and tanked, while the second is tanked until phase two starts, and then killed.
Phase Two: Anub'arak burrows, and during this time around the cave white scarabs start burrowing to the surface and randomly aquiring targets. It's important to remember that they stack a rolling DOT that lasts for a minute that gives a flat damage ping that stacks as they attack. Melee should avoid DPSing these targets without the help of stuns, ect, especially tanks. Its really easy to take an extra 12k damage a second if these things chew on you too long. EDIT: Furthermore Anub'arak will target individual players and cause spikes to erupt from the ground in succession, slowly speeding up until they hit the target, or get interrupted when they hit a patch of ice.
Phase Three: When Anub'arak reaches 30% of his HP adds stop spawning, and he casts leeching swarm. Basically it drains 10% of each target's (its raid wide) current HP and adds it to anub'arak's total. This phase is a burn phase, but more importantly its a stupid check for your healers. The key to getting Anub dead in this is to just barely keep your DPS alive.
Anub'arak's loot is collected off his corpse. When he dies Tirion Fordring gives you congratulations and gets a portal to Dalaran spawned.
As a resto druid, I've never had a snobold jump on me in the countless encounters we've had with Gormok. Is this a shapeshifter thing kind of like being immune to polymorph effects? Snobolds jump on your head, I really don't have a head to speak of being a tree. (Tree joke).
Not positive but I don't think our bear tank has ever got one either. Just want confirmation one way or the other. There's an advantage to having a healer in the group never being attacked by snobolds.
If Tirion's thumb point upwards, you may loot. If downwards, you better prepare for the lions.
Continued from above:
The next fight will be the Twin Val'kyr. This fight is as simple as it is complicated. Split your DPS into 2 groups much like you would on Thaddius in Naxx. One group gets the light buff, one gets the dark buff. You have 2 targets. Lightbane and Darkbane. If you have the light buff, dps/tank Darkbane. If you have the dark debuff, dps Lightbane. Healers should surround the dps of the opposite color and ensure that none of the orbs of the opposite color from that group, hit that group. Here are some general things to look for in this fight:
Twins Pact. This is cast by either the light or the dark Val'kyr. One of them will bubble and begin casting Twins Pact which heals both targets for a healthy amount. The bubble falls off after a certain amount of damage is done to it, therefore ALL dps need to switch to the target with the bubble and DPS it immediatly. Once the bubble falls off, Twins Pact needs to be interrupted. It has a fairly long cast time (15-20 seconds I believe) so a decently geared group shouldn't have any issue getting this done. If more then one of these twins pact's get off, you will not make the enrage timer.
The other ability these 2 have are Vortex. Either Light Vortex, or Dark Vortex. Light damages those with the dark buff, Dark damages those with the Light buff. Before this is cast you will receive a warning to switch colors. You need to immediately stop casting and switch colors. The only ones who should not switch are the tanks. The tank who is not switching will require a substantial amount of healing, so ensure they get it.
Special note for healers: The entire raid is taking damage throughout this fight. Ensure that you have HOTs on the entire raid this entire fight. This will be a mana intensive fight so if your DPS is low, use your MP5 trinkets or you will run out of mana quickly. Druids and shamans have the potential to perform exceptionally well in this fight. Druids all I can say is regrowth and rejuv are your friends. Put them on everyone and watch your HPS soar (my personal best was 6.8k HPS in 10m).
The final challenge is our old friend Anub'arak. This fight can be frustrating without a proper tactic. There are 3 phases to the fight:
Phase 1 you will have 2 sets of adds spawn as well as Anub'arak to fight. Phase 2 Anub'arak burrows and begins chasing people with spikes that can only be stopped by permafrost that is on the ground. The spikes grow increasingly faster the longer he goes without hitting permafrost. You also have scarabs that leave a stacking debuff that need to be taken down. Phase 3 of this fight begins when you get Anub'arak down to 30%.
Phases 1 and 2 happen when Anub is 100%-30% HP. During Phase 1 you will have adds spawn (1 at a time in 10 man, 2 at a time in 25 man) that need to be picked up by your offtank and tanked on top of permafrost. I recommend having your ranged dps burn down the first add(s) and ignore the 2nd until phase 2 begins and focus all DPS on Anub until he burrows.
Once Anub burrows, finish off the last add(s), then finish off the scarabs. Tanks need to stay away from the scarabs and avoid being hit by them to reduce any damage they may take once Anub resurfaces.
You want to aim for no more then 2 burrow phases before you get Anub down to 30% otherwise you will not make the enrage timer.
Over the course of the fight you will not have much raid damage to worry about. There is one ability that healers should watch for though. It is called Penetrating Cold. This is often overlooked as it does not seem to do much damage but in phase 3 it can be devastating to a low HP dps'er or a tank.
DK Tank tip: If you are the one stuck with the add til anub burrows, continuously chains of ice the add once you get aggro on the permafrost and get out of its range to minimize the amount of damage you take. You cant keep this up forever, but in this fight every little bit helps.
Phase 3: Phase 3 is as simple as tank and spank, but again can be confusing for healers. Healers keep your tanks at full health but do not top off the dps. The more HP your raid has combined, the more Anub gets healed. It is best to keep your DPS/healers at or below 50% for the remainder of the fight as the more health everyone has, the more Anub can suck back.
Special Note for Hunters fond of using
Frost Trap
: Don't. The Frost Trap has the exact same graphic as the permafrost, and it can be easily mistaken by a tank or dps trying to get an add in place, or trying to get away from anub's spikes. Stopping on top of a Frost Trap because you thought it was permafrost while being chased by Anub'arak and subsequently dying can make people rage. Rage is bad (although it is quite funny when it happens to the DK who decided to use Path Of Frost as everyone was falling into the pond below the arena wiping your raid without even engaging the boss).
Well that's it for the normal version. I will start a heroic version once we down Anub this week. If you see anything I missed, or that should be corrected/updated please let me know.
10 man Hc mode.
Northrend Beasts:
There is a sort of Enrage timer added throughout the Northrend Beasts, if u don't manage 2 kill Gormok or the Worms Within a certent time the next Boss(es) will already enter the arena and need 2 be tanked.
Gormok The Impaler
- Hes Impale DoT Deals alot more damage then normal so make sure your tanks, Switch every 2 or 3 stacks.
- It is doable with 2 healers, but make sure the Snobolds dont stay 2 long on a healer as they get silenced and interrupted.
- They are actually still the same only they got more HP and hit slightly harder.
- Has the same ability's only with some few Tweaks.
- He also enrages after like 5 tramples (i think)
- If he tramples u now No longer get the Sprint Boost so make sure u run fast.
- Pretty much the same fight, only he has more HP.
- When a Portal opens now it stays summoning new Mistresses, Priority is to kill the portal before there are to many of them.
- The same goes with the Elemental Guys, First kill the volcano then deal with the Elementals as they keep gettin spawned aslong as the volcano is up.
Faction Champions:
- Taunt Abilities no longer work
- They now have a PVP-trinket effect that they can use ever 50sec so get out of Movement imparings and others.
- They hit Pretty hard now xD
- We used a tactic 2 AoE fear them at the start (trying) to force them to use the trinket effect already. And then Zerk them down 1 by 1 (1st target is the one u think is most dangerous for the setup u use) We mostly start with e Priest or shammy.
Twin Val'kyr:
- Pretty much the same Fight only they got more HP and everything hurts more :P
- U could tank them close 2 each other so Cleave effects and others deal damage 2 both of them 2 increase dps.
-As all others also have, hes HP is increased aswell.
- U only get 5 Ice Spheres throughout the whole fight so position them well.
- When he goes Down Under try 2 kite him for like 8-12 sec ea time he targets someone else. Dont let him get to hes fastes Gear :P or else he wont bumb hes head through ice and just continues.
- A pally could use the Hand of Protection ability to keep hes target save while kiting him, but use it well!.
- after like 45 sec he comes back-up, try 2 get him down to 30% and the Dps race starts.
- The amount HP he absorbs is alot higher, So try 2 keep everyone (except the tanks) at around 10-20% of they're max HP.
- Staying alive is the hardest issue in hes last phase :P.
GL hope it helped ^^
Faction Champions Intros
I was curious what the Horde side
, so I went looking on Youtube and I found that the first few minutes of the videos below has them :) Enjoy!
( Horde )
King Varian Wrynn Faction Champions Intro
The Hungering Cold Vs. Faction Champions (25 Player)
( Alliance )
Garrosh Hellscream Faction Champions Intro
CARE - Faction Champions 25 heroic
I had a pretty anoying bug,everything worked,bosses downed,only problem:Anub'arak wasnt down in his spot.It was just a huge empty room with a few scarabs....I guess he had a day off...
What DPS is needed for the 10man norm version of this raid?
Or 25man norm?
Or 10man HC?
Or 25man HC?
(Last time I asked a question in a comment it got purged! It must be allowed to ask questions too! So please dont rate this comment bad!)
Is it just me that can't see the entire loot table from Toc? be it 10 or 25, i see like 30 items. And it's just not toc, other instances to shown here on wowhead. What happend?
How long time does whole raid take?
I just realized hellscream is rolling in his grave, as we dance on the lich king's front yard, and host ourselves a tiny little tournament.
This instance is well.. the best next to Ulduar. I mean fighting other classes ?
Thats amazing.
i love ToC music
can someone give me link to download it?
Really enjoyed This Place. Me an my Group of 85s were able to do the 10 man quite easily, The demon guy an Ice howl were prob only problem but still simple. Very fun raid for Any 85 groups wanting a laid Back Fun Round. Decent Mog items as well. Great way to get you started for any farther Raiding from then on.
Strategy for one/two players from the
Solo/Duo Old Raid Compendium
, done at level 85 at patch 4.3 with ilvl 385-395 gear:
Trial of the Crusader
is duoable.
Northrend Beasts
, we found that the snobolds that attach to people's backs were spawning practically constantly, so we burned down the boss and dealt with the remaining 'bolds after he died.
Were one of the toughest encounters we have faced so far, but simply because it served as an enormous gear-check. Perhaps there were more strategic ways to make the fight easier, but with only two people, we simply kept the jormungars together, and bought some flasks, good food buffs, and made sure to get a
Drum of Forgotten Kings
is easy - just make sure you get out of the way when he knocks you back and starts to charge you, or it's game over.
Lord Jaraxxus
Burn adds as they spawn - not much else to this guy.
Faction Champions
Probably the hardest fight in the instance, with a lot of RNG involved. You have to focus and burn the healers immediately, popping cool downs at the beginning.
Interrupts on the healers are essential, and any sort of attack that reduces the effectiveness of healing on the target is also very useful.
This fight does not use normal aggro mechanics - your best bet is to make sure your tank is always the first one in, and the closest to all the champions, and hopefully they will attack him.
PvP trinkets that cancel crowd control on you is helpful, but despite the misinformation out there, resilience is NOT helpful in this fight
Fear-bombing the other champions can help you burn the healer
If both players are tanky, one player should attune to light, and one to dark, and each pick up the opposing twin. If only one player can take significant damage, both players should attune to one color, and focus a single twin.
Picking up the orbs that float around of your color will give you a buff eventually, and hitting orbs that aren't will damage you.
There are frost orbs floating in the sky - kill them and they will drop patches of ice.
The adds should be killed, but unless they are tanked on top of ice, they will burrow to heal themselves.
When Anub'arak burrows, he will chase you, gradually speeding up until he reaches an ice patch, which stuns him and slows him down. Make sure he hits as much ice as possible.
The last 15% or so of this fight, Anub'arak will do large damage to the whole party - you have to be prepared to burn him fast in this phase or he will kill you.
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