Quick Facts
LinksWeakAuras Export

Celestial Conduit


Spell Details

Duration 4 seconds
School Nature
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
GCD category Normal
Cost 5% of base mana
Range 0 yards (Self)
Cast time Channeled
Cooldown 1.5 minutes
GCD 750 milliseconds
Aura proc chance100%
Effect #1Apply Aura: Periodically trigger spell
Value: 6 every 1 second
PVP Multiplier: 1
Effect #2Apply Aura: Mod % Damage Taken (Arcane, Fire, Frost, Holy, Nature, Physical, Shadow)
PVP Multiplier: 1
Effect #3Apply Aura: Dummy
Value: 5
PVP Multiplier: 1
Server-side script
Effect #4Heal for % of Total Health
PVP Multiplier: 1
Effect #5Apply Aura: Increase Run Speed %
PVP Multiplier: 1
Effect #6Apply Aura: Dummy
Value: 20
PVP Multiplier: 1
Server-side script
Effect #7Apply Aura: Dummy
Value: 5
PVP Multiplier: 1
Server-side script
Effect #8Apply Aura: Immunity - Mechanic (Interrupted)
PVP Multiplier: 1

