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[The Bronze Dragonshrine]

[Take your orphan, Kekek, to visit the Bronze Dragonshrine. Make sure to call for him if he is not present when you get there.]


[Kekek taken to Bronze Dragonshrine] (1)


[When Kekek was a pup, he sometimes heard elders talking about a far-off shrine. Sometimes they say that bronze dragon-things there know all about future.

Kekek tell you he be great warrior, now we go see. Bronze dragon-thing shrine somewhere in Dragonblight, northeast of dragon-thing temple called Wyrmrest, also northwest of man-town called Wintergarde.

We go there, see future. Prove orphan-lady wrong about Kekek. Kekek warrior, not bully.]




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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(13934))

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