Quick Facts

It Was Not Enough

Follow Elder Honeypelt to find Wrathion and Sabellian.
Escape the crystal prison (1)
Speak with Elder Honeypelt (1)
Kill Credit: Q06a - Spot 0 slain (1)
Kill Credit: Q06a - Spot 1 Arrival slain (1)
Kill Credit: Q06a - Spot 1 Arrival Finished slain (1)
Kill Credit: Q06a - Spot 1 All Clear slain (1)
Follow Elder Honeypelt (1)
Kill Credit: Q06a - Spot 2 Arrival slain (1)
Kill Credit: Q06a - Spot 2 Arrival Finished slain (1)
Kill Credit: Q06a - Spot 2 All Clear slain (1)
Follow Elder Honeypelt (1)
Follow Elder Honeypelt (1)
Kill Credit: Q06a - Spawn Spot 3 Deepflayers slain (1)


Rescue Wrathion (1)
Find Sabellian (1)
Kill Credit: Q06a - Conditional POI slain (1)


You're smellin' real down and out there, kid. Can't imagine what you been through to end up here. Well, it don't matter! We niffen ain't the sort to leave anyone behind. Especially not people who're about to be served up as a deepflayer's snack! This master sniffin' snout of mine can smell you didn't come down here to our Zaralek Cavern alone. What say we get you out of those crystals and find your friends!



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See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(72873))

