Quick Facts

Super Jiro

Direct Jiro Prime to rescue 7 Distressed Jiro, while slaying 5 Mawbroken Automa and 100 Mawsworn forces.
Jiro Prime mounted (1)


Mawbroken Automa slain  (5) (1)


Mawsworn Forces slain  (100) (1)
Distressed Jiro rescued (7)
Jiro Scan (1)


The outsiders have disrupted the tasks and purpose of the jiro. We cannot allow this to continue. We will empower a larger jiro to help combat these threats. Jiro Prime will destroy the enemies that threaten Zereth Mortis. Help direct Jiro Prime to resolve our crisis.




You will receive:
Anima Webbing Sandworn Relic
Oracular Smock Oracular Slippers
Oracular Hood Oracular Pantaloons
Oracular Mantle Oracular Sash
Oracular Wrists Cryptic Vest
Cryptic Treads Cryptic Grips
Show 23 More
Cryptic Mask Cryptic Trousers
Cryptic Shoulderpads Cryptic Cinch
Enigmatic Chainmail Enigmatic Gauntlets
Enigmatic Cowl Enigmatic Legguards
Enigmatic Epaulets Enigmatic Chain
Numerus Breastplate Numerus Sabatons
Numerus Handguards Numerus Crown
Numerus Greaves Numerus Shoulderplates
Numerus Girdle Impossibly Ancient Cloak
Cypher-Etched Ring Cypher-Etched Band
Cypher-Etched Torque Cypher-Etched Lavaliere
Cosmic Flux


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(65364))

