Quick Facts

Encouraging Words

Recite the words within the codex to 8 Exhausted Protectors.
Exhausted Protector invigorated (8)
Provided item:
Codex of Renewed Vigor (1)


Our forces have been battling relentlessly for hours. No doubt they grow tired and disheartened. Take this codex and recite the words within to our troops. Do not be fooled. Though the prose may seem meaningless, it holds immense power. Hearing these words will reinvigorate our exhausted Protectors with hope.



You will receive:
Ashen Juggernaut Centurion Power Core
Illustrated Combat Meditation Aid Winter's Protection
Nether Precision Spiritmender's Robe
Spiritmender's Handwraps Spiritmender's Cord
Spiritmender's Cuffs Soulbearer's Vest
Soulbearer's Gloves Soulbearer's Bracers
Show 46 More
Forgehand's Chainmail Forgehand's Handguards
Forgehand's Wristguards Shieldguard's Breastplate
Shieldguard's Gauntlets Shieldguard's Greaves
Lifepath Crossbow Memoria Glaive
Honortoll Spear Requiem Chime
Requiem Handscythes Waylight Blade
Memoria Greatblade Honortoll Gavel
Memoria Spellblade Lifepath Hammer
Sanctified Guardian's Signet Skychime Necklace
Silvernote Cloak Artifice of the Archmage
Forgesmith's Coal Exaltation
Call of Flame Meat Shield
Debilitating Malady Lost in Darkness
Growing Inferno Shade of Terror
One With the Beast Resplendent Light
Untempered Dedication Kilrogg's Cunning
Bloodletting Born Anew
Umbral Intensity Incessant Hunter
Well-Placed Steel Ethereal Ambrosia
Reflections on Purity Considerations on Courage
Vesper Strikehammer Chronicles of the Paragons
Handheld Soul Mirror Censer of Dried Gracepetals
Ascended Bonus Experience


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(63827))

