Quick Facts

Those Who Hunger

Destroy 20 Gorm in Ardenweald.


Gorm slain  (20) (1)


I've heard reports that the number of gorm sightings have risen greatly the past few days. Normally they're simple decomposers, playing their part in the great cycle, but in great numbers the gorm can be aggressive. If left unchecked, their ravenous hunger will cause untold destruction. The Wild Hunt has called for a gorm hunt. Meet your quota and you will be well-rewarded.



You will receive:
Valeshroud Torque Duskwarder Censer
Duskwarder Scythe Runetender Tunic
Faemoss Shoes Gormhusk Steps
Runetender Boots Faemoss Leggings
Gormhusk Kilt Runetender Shoulderguards
Faemoss Amice Gormhusk Mantle
Show 20 More
Gormhusk Waistwrap Runetender Cinch
Faemoss Bindings Gormhusk Wristguards
Runetender Bracers Evernight Drape
Ardendew Pearl Starlight Catcher
Celestial Acorn Harmony of the Tortollan
Faeweald Amber Astral Sapwood
Luminous Sylberry Duskfall Tuber
Hibernal Sproutling Gormling in a Bag
Totem of Stolen Mojo Grateful Offering
Bonus Experience Wild Hunt


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(62057))

