"Argus raid opens" wow. I've been gone a while but I didn't realize they'd already announced that argus was going to have a raid. I assumed it'd just be a Timeless isle thing. pretty neat that we're having another tier.
same as windwalkers which seem to be completly ignored even though they provided the most complete question compilation...
Thank you, to whomever in the Community asked about Gladiator, I played Glad throughout WOD and enjoyed it immensely. I don't enjoy class pruning, or the manipulative argument, of pruned abilities built into the spec. It's a billion dollar industry, there should be more options not less, I wouldn't enjoy this game if it was similar to D3 with six buttons.
All these Brewmaster answers. Can't they just declare the worst spec in the game dead already?
So legendaries get depowered at 120? interesting...
Just like any other expansions, item level and stats phases out the old legendaries. Like the cape from mop, ring from wod.
If you think brewmaster is weak then you probably haven't played as one.
Why do Demonology Warlocks have to repeatedly use Demonic Empowerment for each new summon? It feels very tedious to many players and have been unhappy with it since it's inception.Since Destruction Warlocks are back to a very similar place they were in back with WoD, why were they tampered with in the first place? It felt like (to myself at least) someone wanted to fix what wasn't broken.this part was ignored by em...typical ^_~Least I am not the only one who knows they basically wasted their time fixing a class that didnt need fixed just tuned :|
As such, we decided to make Lunarwing Form fit into that existing model, rather than try to force it into a mount, and accept that there will be pros and cons to that difference (and this was not a 'temporary' thing, as you suggest).Uhhhh...How does that pertain to Quick heads up about a change you'll be seeing in the next build.We've found a few issues, and we're going to need to temporarily remove the Archdruid's Lunarwing Form from the mount journal. The option to change the look of your flight form will be available as an NPC in your class hall, operating similarly to the Glyph of the Sentinel.We're working on getting a solution to you as soon as we can, apologies and thanks!Because that was a blue post that said the exact opposite of what their answer claimed.https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20755726191#post-19
Another Q&A and another ignore on more stable master slots for hunters. :(
It's both saddening and comforting to see them acknowledge how unsatisfying Warlock Demonology spec is at the moment (be it in terms of class fantasy, dps or preferred role).
Touch my favorite Fury Warrior talent, Blizz, you kill the spec, like everything else. <_<
Pot warrior never yeld better the idea of flamethrower gives me the feelings I had playing cod waw .