the plate on the chest piece looks like it could be better fitted, and the helm looks a little off, putting the face in shadow while leaving the jaw and neck visible, but overall that's some really nice looking armor, love that they're putting 3d pieces on previously flat armor now! can't wait to see the cloth armor (please let it not be some rugged leather viking dress...)
It's a shame that Blizzard forgot to add Kanrethad Ebonlocke into the group. He's afterall one of the few known characters to have witnessed Illidan's demise.
In the armor video, does the color scheme go from LFR to Normal to Heroic to Mythic? Just asking so I know which difficulty to do in order to get the color I want.
Why isn't Johnny Awesome in that list?RIOT
I just Wanted a full HD golden armor for my warrior.The gold variant is not bad, but it has some darker parts... too dark imo. :(Well... no glorious 2.0.:,(But i'll take it. Better than nothing :)
Fairly cool looking amor mogs for platey characters. I wonder if there will be shield and weapon mogs to go with.
The rogue in the back leaping around for no reason, LOL. And they have Warglaives before Illidan's even dead? How's that work?
wow that armor set looks awesome!
Interesting looking set. The V-shaped armor piece across the chest and little wings at the sides of the helmet make me think of the "armor" the Val'kyr wear throughout WoW. I wish there was a plated skirt alike of that from the Judgement sets to dig the Eyir look. Can not wait to see the other armor types' looks! :)
If Illidan's memories are supposed to be a world first kill then how does the gnome rogue have one of the warglaives?
Additionally, your character can be part of the Raid on Illidan, but we're not sure of the requirements as some people see them and some don't, but what we've seen so far:Not showing for DK or DH, assuming because they came in after TBC, might apply to Monks and any race added afterwards.Not showing for those that haven't been and killed him on that characterShowing for myself, character created during TBC and I've been back and killed Illidan
Nyeh the warrior set just isn't for me.. just a personal preference. Looks too 'techy' if that makes sense. Something more for StarCraft than Warcraft. Just my two bits.
Blizz pls make 2 more colors in the armor so me and my buddies can be power ranger PLEASE
I'm so disappointing this expansion. I'm done 30x HC dungeon just got 1 item. Other all items just got world quest. When expansion start i go leveling and 5 days after i got 810 ilvl. Then now i just got 830 ilvl. This is really unfair. How i gear up how i join mythic dungeons, raid runs? It's really stupid #$%^. I play this game 8 years. I'm soooo disappointing blizzard!
And I keep waiting for a resto shaman hidden artifact appearance