No talk of pre-patch release? :(
So no pre-patch release date. Just random stuff to build hype. @#$% that should never of been an issue in the first place? xD
Come on, and a date for release? I'm really looking forward to come back to WoW, but not before release date.
So what was the big news that FinalBossTV was talking about? no clear thing?
We rolled out scaling zones for Broken Isles, and that allows me and say a 102 to play with you, a 108. We have a great experience, the world scales to us, I'm not underpowered, you're not overpowered, and we need to evaluate how that works and consider it for the rest of the world. Obviously we won't put that out immediately since we want to see it in a contained world where we go from 100 to 110, and then iterate on that.So does this bit mean Obviously we won't put that out immediately since we want to see it in a contained world where we go from 100 to 110, and then iterate on that. Does that mean it will be for 100-110 only for now?
Go enjoy your summer rofl dont worry about the expansion it will be there at the end of august...
It's not live yet. I was pretty sure they were going to post it live when the NDA was up though. My guess is that it would show up at the bottom of
Just like WoD, as in not telling us when something is coming out, and taking forever to do it.
cannot wait to see all this implemented in the World of Warcraft, should be interesting to sink my teeth into the new content, raid, dungeon and questing, should be a ton of fun.
I still can't believe they didn't release the pre-patch with the movie. All those people who are hopefully going to come play are going to be really, really confused when their whole class changes. I play the beta, and some of my classes are unrecognizable.
I have one question that has been bugging me since artifacts were revealed. After Legion ends, is it just me or wouldn't be really weird to be like, "Sorry swords constructed from Frostmourne, I've got a new green to replace you." That just seems really, really weird. Probably just a mechanical thing, but it just seems so damn odd.
Pretty sure people wants to know when it's the PRE-PATCH not the release of the expansion.. I want to know about this.
Finally! Can't wait for them to give us casters HD spells, or new cast animations. Looking forward to it, even if I have to wait until a patch in Legion!