5.4.7? Where did the other numbers go?
Collector mount and pet on the next patch? I hope this means the WoD beta is getting closer.
They were probably internal builds. Not unknown in the software industry.
So from what I gather, the lvl 90 boost will also come with a profession boost ? That's nice.Veteran bonus is interesting as well.
I hope they don't do instant 600 skill to professions to new 90s, only reason I don't mind people buying 90s, they still have to put the work into the professions. Wouldn't mind as much if they put a system in like they did with blacksmithing of burning current materials to level your skill, it helps sells raw materials.
To confirm what's happening with professions:If the character being boosted is already 60+, primary professions will receive a boost as well. That's the "Veteran" bonus.
"Prideful Gladiator gear in Season 15 costs Honor Points." I hope it's Conquest points :P
whoa O_O something somewhere went horribly wrong with the coding there.
Dread Raven: Summons and dismisses an Imperial Quilen. This mount changes depending on your Riding skill and location. Lol
There is a certain delicious irony in having the CE mount for WoD be a primarily flying mount, given their stance on flying in this expac.
I think it would be really fitting if druids got a "shapeshift" version of this mount - no saddle, no visible rider, but still a mount in the way that the Sandstone Drake and Obsidian Nightwing are mounts.
Is it crazy that i've had almost no incentive to get WoD until seeing a flying Anzu mount?Darn you, Blizzard. Just take my money already, again.
I'm sad to say that i'm not really feeling the mount at all, especially since it's released in Warlords of Draenor as it does not fit the theme at all, and I was planning on getting the Collector's edition too. I feel we needed more of a iron-horde"esque" type of mount.