Good post!
My friend is a very good player, definitely not a newb, but he didn't know that Dalaran had ports to the Horde cities... so I guess we all have our "newb moments." :P
"You stop being a newb the day you get the Achievements That Takes Class and Know Thy Enemy."Once you have those two Achievements, you're good from there ;)
This post was from a user who has deleted their account.
Newb -> NoobWhen you start thinking you know the game, when really you're bad at it. Example, priest who claims his talent spec is the best, when really it's just a mixed up bunch of talents. Had a friend who did this, luckily I managed to show him what to do, and gained him more coefficients. =pNewb -> Decent playerWhen you know what you need to know about the game. I.E. being a raider and knowing generally what to do when raiding.
You stop being a newb when you grasp the everyday. You will have a rudimentary understanding of most game mechanics and game feel- from how caster/ranged/melee NPCs act differently, to how stats affect your character and their relative worth, to the value and applications of your spells, to how to skim a quest for relevant information.You go a bit beyond that into being a proficient player when you can tank, heal, or DPS as needed, and when you can step into a new instance or content patch with utmost confidence in your ability to meet any challenge it presents.
In my opinion it's when you simply stop thinking you are a newb. However, if that means you'll instead start thinking "I know everything about this game" you'll become a noob. A good player is between these two; competent but always open to advice even if he/she isn't a newb anymore.Oh, and this is definitely the best definition of the two words.
When you can find Mankirks wife.But really, I think people loose the newb status once they move beyond the simple questions and move to advanced questions. When they have a firm grip of the game, understanding each class, race, economy, mechanics, ect. General stuff really. They don't need to hit theorycrafting status. But when someone can stop asking "Is this gear good for me" but instead ask "What was hit cap for me again with just my bonuses?" and can figure out the rest. That's when they gain the achievement "Seasoned"
The thing is, you can be a newb at different things. Someone who is a level 80 raider, that can hold their own in any dungeon thrown at them, might never have PvPed before. Their first battleground, they're going to be a newb, even if they've been playing for years.I'd say, you stop being a newb in a particular area of gameplay once you no longer need to ask questions about that part of the game.
When you get a feel for your class.This took me till 55 on my first char to get, I was leveling an enhancement shaman with a 1h and a shield. oh vanilla wow those were the days.I didnt even spec into stormstrike as the wording made it sound useless to me
The day you get all achievements, than you are completely newb-free. Until then; there's always something you can learn.
I say you stop being a newb when 1. You learn the playstyle of your character, not runing up and meleeing as a hunter and not throwing axes as a rogue,2.You also have to know the basic concept of interaction between you anyone else your grouping with because hey this is a MMORPG sure you can live in a dream world where you are the best without any interaction with anyone but that just hurts you thus the ability to interact is born3. You don't refer to others as Noobs while you might get your friends to join and call them Newbs for a few lvls.Things that doesn't make you a complete Newb are No knowing certain fights because hey there are certain things called patchs that make so much more stuff availible it isn't even funny. So in a sense you always have a newb side.IF you think to yourself or say to others hey this boss fight is easy never done it but I am here so its easy your a NOOB. When you think if you were not there the raid would die or if you think that just because you want 100g for a crapy item you should get it your a noob. NOOB if you think that you can be the best at something out of everyone. There will always be someone who is better who might just get more dps than you. YOU are not a gm and thus your not immortal.This is my veiw point. I get called a noob alot when I make simple mistakes but the real people who are the noobs are those doing the calling I am but a Newb learning new things and what not to do.
You stop being a noob when:1. You realize than wowhead exist's.2. When you focus on learning well your class and you read all the stuff about.3. When you focus on real achievements instead noobing around the city or the world doing stupid things.4. When you realize you're class isn't nerfed, its just you not knowing how to deal with other classes.5. When you avoid typical msg on general chats.6. When you help someone when it needs it.7. When you don't care about other achievements, just your's.8. When you don't steal others targets, loot, etc.9. When you enjoy your class and enjoy the pro's and con's.10. When you have a good name! not nothing like chucknärris or being a tauren called "yumyumburger"