There's literally nothing majorly wrong with this patch. These two are complete hacks, they don't even play the game XD
Blizz employees letting us know via content that the mistakes weren't so bad for a 20 year old product we pay monthly for. Thank you, Blizz shills!
Why does he read the news like he's talking to a bunch of hard-of-hearing elderly dears, or their grandchildren? WoW was only released in...Oh damn...
I think he captured the defining moments of the intro to this patch perfectly well honestly. Could've also mentioned:• People being surprised and upset that they could no longer use the S1 catalyst for the final week of KSM/AOTC/etc. • Concentrated Primal Focus no longer dropping from Mythic+ or raiding • The mixed reaction about the Cavern being yet-another rare-farming "patch island"• The Twitch drop mix-up (many players received the mount instead of the toy) • The 10.1 scaling/tuning making the final week of M+ dungeons feel much harder, particularly for healers• Mixed reactions to the new gearing system (needing to consult charts, memorize arbitrary terms, and take up a bunch of bag space for crests and fragments) Ultimately I feel it's been a particularly rocky patch launch, and it continues to be. Fyrakk Assaults are laggy and buggy as well.
There has to be a service out there that can filter a RSS feed.
One of the worst videos he's ever done.
Wait, are they hacks that don't understand how great the game is, or are they shills that are just glossing over how bad the game is?I wanna make sure my rage is properly focused, I didn't grow the beard around my neck for nothing!
Most of this is based on reactions off of other peoples reactions, it's not the great setup he thinks it is to get his point across and clickbaity as all hell.