I wish they would just make Delves the equivalent to solo M+ (ie. myth track gear comes from weekly vault if you do the proper delve for it). At the moment, with class balance being so horrendously bad, you must roll a meta class to participate in M+ for myth track vault gear. If you don't, you'll not get invited (2h waiting times are amazing, right? And people will leave the key regardless and waste your time) or you'll never be able to get into the competitive threshold because you simply don't do enough damage / can't survive like other classes can. The common response to this is "solo content shouldn't be emphasized for top gear in an MMO"... but MMOs have evolved. Games change over time. If people want to do solo content, let them do it. If it's necessary to have a max cap on the number of gear drops to keep true competitive players from having another daily job on the list, then that's fine, but allow the same quality of drops. It would save them from having to create another character to farm gear for if their others don't get proper drops on week 1 (which is a ridiculous insult to people's time). TLDR: make delves full myth track in vaults (limit to max gear drops/week is OK), and please for the love of all that is holy make the M+ achievement spec-based rather than score based so people can play what they want and show their mastery on their preferred spec.
Can someone ask them if they forgot Shamans exist?
As long as War Within is a full expansion, I'm sure all will be great.The key is to not have all the raids and 95% of story come out in the first year and then expect one small major patch to be enough for the second year.Game modes are fun. But they are not WoW. People pay for WoW, so if they wanna add new game modes, that's great! But make sure they are extra and added on top of real WoW content, instead of replacing WoW content. Hopefully War Within won't make the same game mode as content mistakes we saw across the last few patches.
Players need to get over calling anything in WoW a "grind" lol as if it's supposed to be that way. It's not. There is no grind.There are players that ate impatient and CHOOSE to grind and rush and repeat things over and over. That's a player's choice. But if you take your time to do everything and don't expect rewards the first week you hear about them, you will never feel like you are grinding or have to grind.WoW is meant to be played over a long period of time. Don't expect everything in the first day or week.When players only do one thing, they get burn out but it's not on the game. It's on the player.
The amount of non-answers around Mythic+ is frustrating. We get it, dungeons rotate and 1-9's are now 0's. Stop resting on your laurels and patting yourselves on the back for those changes. People are bombarding you with M+ questions for a reason.
If you edit out all the times they said "We don't have anything to say about that right now", this article would almost fit in a tweet.
So many of these answers are cop outs. Also I can turn myself into a gnome literally right now with a toy and all paladin abilities look and work fine. They churn out trading post stuff like crazy but can't make a few paladin race mounts?
"Hopefully you all have enjoyed the holiday updates that we've been doing so far."No.
Could do with a break down with bullet points like what MMO-Champion does.
I really wish they would stop dragging the BfA raid soloing issue for so long, though. Yes, it does take dev time as there is a need to change mechanics for certain bosses (Mythrax, G'huun), but they did the talk about that more than a year ago.
Oh how I desire follower raids to be made a thing. Really use them to expand and sell the end of the stories they wish to tell. Then, "real" raids can have even less RP for those go-go-go players who hate waiting for folks like me to unmute myself so I can listen to strategy or whatever. Additionally, maybe they can finally release the end of the story (full raid story, that is) all at once so that all players can experience it when it's released, rather than having LFR players have to rely on YouTube or waiting and hoping not to be spoiled before they can finally get their chance to see the story's conclusion, usually what, two months later because of how they gate things?I like raiding with my guild, but I also like experiencing the story at my pace. It's hard to do in this game.(INB4 "the story in this game sucks why do you care lolololol gitgud")
"Warbank" is now canon.
Early access is really bad for the community, why are they still defending it?
Considering how much we got bludgeoned over the head with Dracthyr and 'identity', I'm both-parts surprised and disappointed they said nay-nay to the visage forms. Would probably cost a raid-tier to introduce that, so just about as costly as giving the playerbase Housing.