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Also, make sure to watch the video! ;)
I already did. Oh, you mean that video.
Just when I was starting to enjoy the blog's here. Now we get the sexist bs that you hear from the "American Pie" boys and men. I am sure there was plenty of other girls at the CES. Instead they have to pick the girl that is mostly to be a playboy gamer.Continue the stereo type for the male gaming community.
I lol'd at the shirt. And Arideni's comment.
meh, the typical gamer stereotypes (whether male or female) still stand.You have:Nerdy Male, lives in basement at Mom's house15 year old boy who plays 20 hours a dayOverweight GirlOverweight GuyThe thing that most people don't get is that "gamers" are typically your average joe...All that the media (including this clip) portrays is the extreme NEGATIVE of the gaming community (16 y/o drops out of Highschool to play games, Man loses Girlfriend to WoW, Pornstars like gamez, Gamer goes on Shooting Spree, etc). Its rather saddening.
Excuse me, but isn't the whole point of bringing this to light that stereotypes are false?*woosh*
Sterotypes... who likes them? =PI know quite a lot of girls who play WoW. I've ran some PuGs and Guild Runs with an all-girl group, and me, and it was quite fun. All over Vent... loved it.
Pornstars playing WoW is nothing new, it was the hottest (pun intended) news around when people found out that Sasha Grey (look her up if you REALLY want to know) plays WoW... IMO, it doesn't do anything to battle (or support) stereotypes.
Well, the shirt is a pure win! Not only, but definitely. I am going to, hmm, have to do some...hmm...research. Learn more and whatnot.Andrew: So, you are a warlock, and you were complaining earlier about them being nerfed. What specifically don't you like about the changes?Mia: Um, the fact that we are not pewpew anymore, we have to to actually do stuff.Mia: ...Patchwerk. It's obviously pewpew.Heh.And it's Dalaran, not Dalarian.And to toss some more random quotes there...