I usually open with Mirror Images and pop all cooldowns. That way I get insane burst from the start, without having to worry about threat.
You should spend some of your Heroism badges to buy a gem for that cloak sir!
You mages make me sick. Out DPS the locks and half our threat while you're at it. :P(I hold no true animosity against mages though, they were bottom of the barrel long enough to enjoy the top seat for a while)
This post was from a user who has deleted their account.
Try handling threat as a shaman.. Know the Svala Sorrowgrave encounter in UP? I beat on her while we were waiting for her to come down, and, of course, the tank didn't get a chance to (or didn't want to) taunt. And for those of you that say "But you have Wind Shear!", think again. That will only negate 2k threat, pitiful when you consider a 10k Lava Burst (which generates 7k threat after talents).IIRC, that tank realized that Vigilance on me was a good idea soon after.
I raid as an arcane mage, and I can tell you from experience that burning through your mana resources every two minutes and having to evocate is an overall damage done loss. The time spent evocating does not count against your DPS, therefore you may still top the charts, but I only run Recount now when I've upgraded a few pieces of gear or I'm leading a PuG.Back off to a 3-stack of AB if you have to. Gem more spellpower over haste if you find you have to evocate.
Go go rogue blog :|
I have to agree, Arcane Mages is the top notch dps class in the entire game.Mostly because they are fun, cooldowns and 4 buttons, what else does one need!
Threat management? As a tank I'm anxious to test my skills vs an arcane mage now ^^ofc I have to admit I get a misdirect threat boost everytime I charge in ;)