I have never seen String of Alligator Teeth before. It's so cool how there are that many vanity items in this game, even grays.
No Robes of the Guardian Saint or other robes with same visuals?I'm disappointed.
Very nice guide.
I'd also like to add an item to the mix. Can't remember what it's called, but it's damned rare now. It's from the Argent Crusade events before Lich King came out, that if you have it, you are constantly followed by a shade.
Good way to avoid some of the "Level" requirements for the items.... Make a DK bank alt. Start out at 55 (up to about 58 if you finish the questing area before going to your chosen bank city)
Someone is wrong about diamond tipped cane. Because you say it's a one-hander but the tooltip says it's a two-hander.
its from both the naxx launch event, and the scourge invasion before wrath. basically since parts of them were the same event.
It's true the tooltip says that it's a 2h, however only 1h weapon enchants worked on it and classes that can't use staves can equip it. Edit to clarify: it works like a 2h because it takes up mainhand/offhand slots. But classes that can't use 2h weapons can equip it--so don't be discouraged if, for example, your bank alt is a rogue.Maybe I'll do another guide featuring legacy vanity gear for those DK alts, there's a lot of unique gorgeous robes and weapons out there! I just wanted to limit it to low level toons here in case you really like your bank alt and want to fully level it, or already raid on a DK. It's easier to collect gear that can be mailed between toons and equipped almost instantly.
Awesome compilation.My bank alt is gonna start looking good :)
Awesome guide! I love my bank alt and actually make a fair amount of gold buying and selling sub-level 5 armour goodies :) If anyone wants to see a stud muffin banker lol:http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/dathremar/rohahn/simpleEdit -Also, can confirm the Diamond-tipped Cane is 2H as, try as I might, I can't use my beloved Ornate Drinking Stein with it :(
Very nice I love the new look. Thanks
No un-equip everything and dance on mailbox? I'm dissapoint :)Cheers.
Nice guide. Now if only I had some character slots...
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