I swear, they look so fricking awesome. As a frost mage.. I can not WAIT to get my hands on that staff. <3
Has there been any hints of where we'll get these new skins?
Welp, time to level the demon hunter. I have to have those warglaives. O.O
I'm so glad that Arc Mages now have a new non-gag artifact appearance. I approve. I approve immensely.
I love the idea of the personal spec mastery, it can provide a way of showing that you actually know how to play your class, similar to proving grounds, but specified more for each player :)
So very, very pleased to see that version of Felo'melorn make it into the game. I've wanted that for my mage since I saw it at the announcement. And I've never played my druid as a tank, but ye gods, I'm going to start.I'm curious about the DH tank artifact, though. Does that horned skull appear on the artifact or not? I'd rather not have what looks like a fellow DH's skull on my weapon. >_<
I wish the BM hunter skin were following the same theme as the MM and Survival artifact skin. Dunno, what is going on there. BM is my main. But I think that I really must own that survival skin. It looks so good with moving flowers and everything!
Really looking forward to getting some of these on my toons.
I've been saving my level 100 boost; with the new Druid appearances coming, I think that is for sure what I will be using it on!
There are about to be a rise in the number of druid tanks after this
The warrior weapons look AMAZING!
While the new appearances are cool, I wish I could get an updated Rhok'delar skin for my BM artifact. :)
THe class mounts are awesome!
Why nothing for frost and unholy dk?
Love the Guardian Druid form!
These artifacts look so amazing. I was pretty disappointed with the retribution hidden artifact.
I did not expect that new guardian artifact form... It is quite special, in the good way though
I really need to farm tusks from garrosh now
nice skins