Quick Facts

Empty Stables

Locate an Alterac Ram in Alterac Valley. Use the Stormpike Training Collar when you are near the Alterac Ram to 'tame' the beast. Once tamed, the Alterac Ram will follow you back to the Stable Master. Speak with the Stable Master to earn credit for the capture.


Ram Collared and Returned (1)
Provided item:
Stormpike Training Collar (1)


Just look at the stables, <name>! Empty! The Stormpike Brigade has no rams to ride - the cavalry is defunct.

You must help us, soldier. Take this training collar and enter the wilds of this valley. Locate the Alterac rams that roam throughout the area and use the collar to snare one. When you have captured a ram, return it to me and I shall place it in our stable.

When we have enough rams, the ram rider commander will be notifed. With your help, the cavalry will be reborn!



Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
See if you've already completed this by typing:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(7027))

